Alleyway Archaeology – Reference Material and Further Reading

If you would like to learn more about the Spring Street Presbyterian Church or 19th century New York City, this reference list includes sources that have informed the creation of this exhibit, as well as our research.

The Race Riot of 1834

Burrows, E. G. and M. Wallace
1999 Gotham: A History of New York City to 1898. Oxford University Press, New York.

Halsey, Rev.
1886 The Seventy-Fifth Anniversary of Old Spring Street Presbyterian Church, New York City: The Sermon and the Services. New York: Spring Street Presbyterian Church.

Meade, E. D.
2007 Topic Intensive Documentary Study: Spring Street Presbyterian Church AKRF, Inc.

Meade, Elizabeth D. and Rebecca L. White
2013 Public Life, Private Grief: The Contrasting Existence of a Nineteenth Century New York Family. In Tales of Gotham, Historical Archaeology, Ethnohistory and Microhistory of New York City, edited by Meta F. Janowitz and Diane Dallal, pp. 313-326. Spring Science+Business Media, LLC., New York.

Roberts, Kyle B.
2016 Evangelical Gotham: religion and the Making of New York City, 1783-1860. The University of Chicago Press, Chicago.

Smith, Neil and Don Mitchell (editors)
2018 Revolting New York: How 400 Years of Riot, Rebellion, Uprising, and Revolution Shaped a City. University of Georgia Press, Athens.

New York History and Spring Street Materials

Burrows, E. G. and M. Wallace
1999 Gotham: A History of New York City to 1898. Oxford University Press, New York.

Ellis, Meredith Alyson Berman
2014 The Children of Spring Street: The Remains of Childhood in the Nineteenth Century Abolitionist Congregation. Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Anthropology, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY.

Meade, E. D.
2007 Topic Intensive Documentary Study: Spring Street Presbyterian Church AKRF, Inc.

2010 “A Free Church for the People”: The History of the Spring Street Church and Its Burial Vaults. Northeast Historical Archaeology 39(1):8-18.

Meade, Elizabeth D. and Rebecca L. White
2013 Public Life, Private Grief: The Contrasting Existence of a Nineteenth Century New York Family. In Tales of Gotham, Historical Archaeology, Ethnohistory and Microhistory of New York City, edited by Meta F. Janowitz and Diane Dallal, pp. 313-326. Spring Science+Business Media, LLC., New York.

Mooney, D.B., E.M. Morin, R.G. Wiencek, and R. White.
2008 Archaeological Investigations of the Spring Street Presbyterian Church Cemetery, New York City, New York. URS Corporation. Burlington, New Jersey.

New York Times (NYT) [New York City] 1874 “The Spring Street Church, Rev. Geo. M. McCampbell’s Congregation.” 24 August. New York City.

Novak, Shannon
2017 Partible Persons or Persons Apart: Postmortem Interventions at the Spring Street Presbyterian Church, Manhattan. In The Bioarchaeology of Dissection and Autopsy in the United States, edited by Kenneth C. Nystrom, pp.87-111. Springer International Publishing Switzerland, Cham.

Spring Street Presbyterian Church
1826-1841 Trustees Record. Unpublished. In the collection of the Presbyterian Historical Society, Philadelphia, PA.

White, Rebecca L. and Douglas B. Mooney
2010 Stories from the Rubble: Analysis of Mortuary Artifacts from the Spring Street Presbyterian Church Vaults. Northeast Historical Archaeology 39(1):40-64.